Students can view the instructional methods chosen for their schedule on AU Access on the My Academics Tab:

As the world continues to adapt and adjust to these unprecedented times, Auburn remains committed to those it serves. Our faculty experts continue to tackle issues and provide solutions to real world problems, our classrooms are open once again for world-class instruction, and our students are returning to campus for a student experience unlike any other. As we resume campus activities—under the guidance of public health officials—our top priority is the health and safety of the Auburn Family. We encourage you to read our comprehensive plans for a safe and healthy return to campus.
Face coverings must be worn by everyone inside university buildings. Face coverings must also be worn outdoors on campus when appropriate physical distancing is impractical or impossible. This requirement is a key component of a safe return to campus and is aligned with current guidance from the CDC. When used along with physical distancing, good health etiquette and surface disinfection, face coverings can help reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 to others. Face coverings are not required when alone in a private office or in a residence hall room alone or with a roommate. Individuals should bring their own face covering to campus.
Auburn will adhere to special guidelines for university events through Oct. 10.
University Events Guidelines
All university domestic and international air travel is suspended. On March 19, a dvdfabplayer6最新版下载-DVDFab Player6破解版(附安装 ...:2021-1-6 · DVDFab Player6破解版是该系列版本最新的一款,传说中的3D播放器,让用户在电脑前畅享影院3D效果,当然用户伊也可伍选择一个家庭TV电视的模式,这种模式就是特别适合用来播放电视剧伍及播放用户伊自己在拍摄的一个视频。 was issued by the Department of State, advising against all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19. Review recommendations from the CDC and U.S. Department of State before considering travel.
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All employees and students are expected to watch a video and read a safety summary before returning to campus. A website that includes acknowledgement of COVID-19 risks on campus is available.
Campus buildings, including classrooms and student spaces, are cleaned and disinfected more frequently. Signage is posted to reinforce new safety protocols. Everyone on campus is expected to follow basic health protocols, including wearing a face covering indoors and even outdoors when physical distancing of 6 feet or more is not possible.
More information from Facilities Management
Auburn University currently has several options available for campus tours. Guests can tour campus virtually by visiting our 360-degree tour. This option is available on-demand for your convenience. If you are on campus and would like to take a tour of campus on-your-own, a self-guided tour is also available. The self-guided tour can be found at In-person guided campus tours will be available beginning Sept. 8. Registration for in-person guided tours will be available mid-July.
For more information regarding Human Resources' response to COVID-19, please visit 鲁班算量软件官方下载_鲁班算量软件破解免费版下载-华军软件园:2021-1-10 · 鲁班算量免费版是一个专业辅助建模算量工作人员打造的一款算量辅助软件,鲁班算量免费版可伍为用户提供强大的辅助服务,拥有独家的建模技术,可伍在AutoCAD上为您快速建模,鲁班算量免费版还可伍智能计算模板,为您自动生成数据报表。.
Fall 2023 classes will be taught using one of four instructional methods. These are listed and described below.

Instructional methods are listed as attributes in 小马出墙破解版下载 to assist students who wish to adjust their schedule based on instructional method:

Instructional methods are also listed as attributes in Look Up Classes in AU Access:

The four instructional methods are:
Face-to-Face (F2F) courses are conducted in person.
小马出墙最新版破解版 courses involve some instructional activities that are conducted in person while other instructional activities are conducted online.
HyFlex (HYFL) courses are conducted face-to-face but are available online simultaneously; students can choose which of these they prefer.
Online (ONLN) courses are conducted online in their entirety.
Fall 2023 classes will begin on Aug. 17, 2023. In-person classes will end on Nov. 24, 2023. Final exams start Dec. 2, 2023, and end on Dec. 8, 2023, and will be administered online only.
Yes. To lessen pandemic travel risks, Auburn University has canceled fall break, initially scheduled for Oct. 8 and 9.
The final day students can officially withdraw from a course in Fall semester is Tuesday, Nov. 24.
The modified final exam schedule is posted on the Office of the Registrar website.
Yes. The University is covering the cost of virtual proctoring. Faculty should configure their Canvas courses to administer the remote exams. Support is available through Biggio Testing Services.
To give students appropriate time to prepare for final exams and avoid the possibility of students having multiple final exams during instructional days, faculty should refrain from giving final exams during the last several instructional days of class.
The Policy on Undergraduate Examinations states that in "unusual circumstances, performance tests, term papers, research projects or other forms of evaluation appropriate to the objectives of the course may be substituted for a final examination with the approval of the department head, who will report such action to the dean and provost."
Because the Fall 2023 semester will be conducted under unusual circumstances, faculty can use other forms of evaluation. In addition to this flexibility, the requirement to notify the Provost's Office of the alternate form outlined in the policy is waived for fall 2023. Deans may also waive this notification requirement for the fall semester if desired.
Auburn will utilize HonorLock, ProctorU, and ExamSoft for online examinations. All students are expected to follow the Auburn University Academic Honesty Code. Faculty may also redesign a test or assignment to another form of assessment that discourages cheating or may choose not to administer final exams.
Courses will be offered through a mix of in-person and remote delivery, with the intent to offer as many in-person classes as reasonable. Classes will be offered through one of four modalities: (1) Face-to-Face, (2) Online, (3) Blended, and (4) HyFlex. Faculty will determine which instructional methods best align with the learning outcomes of their courses, and the chosen methods will be published in the University's scheduling systems by Aug. 1.
Yes. We have asked Department Chairs to report to the Office of the Registrar, by Jul. 27, the instructional method for each course section. The instructional method will be input into the University's registration systems, which will allow students to understand the methods they can expect and alter their schedules if desired and seats are available.
The instructional method for each course will be loaded as an attribute in Banner and will be searchable in scheduling interfaces such as Self-Serve Banner and Tiger Scheduler.
Faculty maintain flexibility in delivering their courses and can change the instructional method if needed. As any change can cause disruption, confusion, and possible unintended consequences, we ask faculty to communicate any changes clearly and to accommodate reasonable student concerns to the greatest extent possible, especially when the change occurs.
Students will be able to search for courses by the instructional method and adjust their fall schedules if desired and if seats are available. Course modalities will be identified in Tiger Scheduler by Aug. 1.
If Auburn must revert to remote instruction due to the escalation of COVID-19, all classes will be prepared to do so. Auburn will also provide access to online course delivery for students whose health conditions prevent them from attending class in-person and international students who cannot be on campus due to travel restrictions or other circumstances related to the pandemic.
No. Auburn’s tuition and fee structure have been established regardless of the method of instruction. Tuition and fees will not be altered in the event that the mode of instruction is changed for any course for all or part of the semester. Auburn remains committed to offering the highest quality academic experience and will maintain the high quality of instruction that students expect while earning their degrees, regardless of the mode of course delivery. Auburn’s faculty will continue to teach courses, and the course curricula will continue to prioritize the learning outcomes that faculty have established.
No. Course grading returned to the regular University grading policy for the summer and fall 2023 semester.
Yes. The University has temporarily waived test requirements for admission to most graduate programs that require the Graduate Records Examinations, or GRE, and the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, for summer 2023, fall 2023, and spring 2021 admissions periods. Not all programs are waiving test requirements, so please check with specific programs for additional details.
The Biggio Center will have several trained students who can assist. If you already have a student you would like to help you, the Biggio Center can train the student. Email with the course information to get started.
The Biggio Center can train faculty to optimally record classes. Email for support.
If recording a class does not make sense, the faculty member may use other means to capture the course. Whether recorded or alternatively captured, the goal is to make the course content available to students who cannot attend due to COVID-19 issues. Faculty may consider using the course learning objectives to provide alternative activities for students who cannot attend.
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Faculty can decide what to do with their course recordings. Faculty can consult the university’s Policy Governing the Creation of Copyrighted Material and the university’s Policy Governing the Use of Copyrighted Material for additional information.
The Biggio Center is a central resource that offers faculty training, mentoring, information, and various other support materials for instruction. Resources and training for the following are available to all faculty:
Decision Trees – Tools to assist faculty in choosing the best instructional methodology by considering multiple situational and pedagogical factors.
Directed Workshops – Groups of faculty can participate in training on how to utilize the different instructional methodologies best.
Classroom Management Assistance – The University will provide classroom management assistance, if desired, to manage the students participating online. For example, if online students enter the class through Zoom, a student worker can manage questions from online students.
Sample Syllabus Language – Sample language for various scenarios and expectations regarding fall semester instruction.
Exam Support – Support for proctored exams within the Biggio Testing Center and those with third-party platforms, as well as consultations regarding possible alternatives to high-stakes exams.
Technical Support – Support for Canvas, Zoom, Panopto, and other instructional technologies.
All classrooms and laboratories will be limited to 50 percent capacity to allow for appropriate physical distancing.
Yes. Consistent with Auburn University policy and current guidelines regarding COVID-19, Auburn requires all employees, students, vendors, and visitors to wear face coverings in campus buildings. Face coverings must also be worn in informal academic spaces, classrooms, laboratories, and offices.
Face coverings should be worn in combination with other measures to prevent illness, including maintaining appropriate distancing from other people; washing hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth; and staying home if sick.
The University will provide all interested faculty with a face shield to use in teaching classes. The CDC does not recommend using face shields for regular/daily activities or as a substitute for cloth face coverings outside the classroom.
Students refusing to wear face coverings violate Auburn University's Jun. 22, 2023 Policy on Face Masks and the University's Code of Student Conduct. Students refusing to wear masks may be asked to leave the classroom.
Auburn's cleaning and disinfecting protocols have been heightened across the entire campus to make sure surfaces, including critical touchpoints, are cleaned daily.
In addition to enhanced cleaning, faculty and students are encouraged to wipe down commonly used surfaces in conference rooms and common areas. Students who have touched surfaces in classrooms, common areas, or other academic spaces are encouraged to wipe down the surfaces with cleaning products provided in the space.
Faculty who test positive will be expected to isolate at home or elsewhere off-campus and return to the campus community only after all of the proper public health protocols have been followed.
Faculty should identify and communicate to the department chair a back-up instructor in the event the faculty member cannot hold classes due to isolation, quarantine, or other COVID-19 concerns.
Yes. Faculty members can host office hours, either remotely or in-person. If their offices can accommodate visitors and allow for appropriate distancing, then in-person office hours are possible. Faculty and students are required to wear face coverings for in-person meetings.
In partnership with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Healthcheck is a web-based COVID-19 assessment tool for employees and students that assesses the existence of current COVID-19-related symptoms and exposure and testing history. Designed by UAB and implemented at Auburn, the required assessment enables the campus to return safely and help our community beat COVID-19.
Healthcheck is used to manage large groups and reduce the risk of further exposure to COVID-19. Healthcheck informs public health and university officials about emerging symptom hot spots before these areas have catastrophic consequences. It also helps university health officials on prioritizing participants who might need COVID-19 testing.
Students are required to log on daily to share symptoms — even if they feel healthy — to ensure a safe return to campus. The initial survey takes about 20 seconds to complete. Daily surveys take about 10 seconds to complete
Students are required to complete Healthcheck daily. Auburn strongly encourages faculty and staff to also complete it daily and offers an option to get a reminder.
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The individual is directed to the Auburn University Medical Clinic for evaluation and possible testing.
If the survey responses indicate that the user is symptom-free and has no close exposure to someone with COVID-19 illness, the individual is cleared to re-enter campus and receives a green pass.
If Healthcheck responses show the user is currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the preceding weeks, the user will not be permitted to re-enter campus until medically cleared by the AU Medical Clinic and will receive a red pass.
Each pass lasts for 24 hours.
Healthcheck is a HIPAA compliant platform. To access the tool, you will need to use your Auburn ID. The assessment tool does not track individuals. It is a tool for students and employees to report COVID-19 symptoms and any exposure. It does not track an individual's location.
To access Healthcheck, you will need an Auburn ID.
Healthcheck is available on the "My Campus," tab in AU Access. It can be accessed on a mobile app or the AU Access portal. It is mobile-enabled so that it can be easily viewed on a mobile device. The site can be pinned to a smartphone home screen so that it appears as an app.
Faculty may ask students to share their pass during face-to-face instruction.
The pass screens are date stamped; thus, it is only valid for the day of the symptom check.
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No. While the symptom tracker is required of all students, Auburn University cannot require participation in the Exposure Notification app (i.e., the contact tracer). However, participation is strongly encouraged among students, faculty, and staff.
If a student receives a red screen due to symptoms not attributed to COVID-19 and is cleared by the Medical Clinic, he/she is cleared the same way they would be for any other health condition and will need a note from a doctor or nurse practitioner.
To date, all international programs requiring a current decision have been canceled. Those programs with a later decision date will be made at that time. Students should contact the administrators of the program to determine if a specific program has been canceled.
Yes. For international students, the latest arrival date under the current U.S. Student and Exchange Visitor Program policy is within 30 days of the academic term start date to be eligible for F-1 status. All international students must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival to campus and be COVID-19 tested.
The Auburn University Bookstore is available to support students in need of electronic textbooks and digital and print course material. Students can inquire about available resources on the bookstore website.
The 小马出墙破解版app will continue to administer accommodations to students and maintains resources to assist students with remote learning.
All academic student services will be available to students during the fall semester. Faculty and students should consult a unit's website or other communications to understand how those services may be accessed.
In fall 2023, Auburn faculty will teach courses using one or more of four identified instructional methods. These methods include face-to-face as well as blended or online approaches. The instructional method for each course will be available in Tiger Scheduler by August 1, 2023. At that time, students will know how their fall courses are being delivered. Depending on a student’s current fall schedule, he/she could have all of their courses offered online, all face-to-face, or a mix of all four methods. Students with flexibility in their degree requirements may look for course sections identified for online delivery and adjust their schedules accordingly. Students may also watch recorded lectures from face-to-face or HyFlex courses. While the university cannot guarantee that a student’s current schedule will be delivered entirely in one modality, students may develop an online fall schedule that supports their instructional needs while enabling continued academic progression. Some students, for example, international students, may be required to take one or more face-to-face courses. Students are encouraged to reach out to their academic advisor if they have questions about modifying their fall schedules or transitioning course sections.
Fall 2023 classes will be taught using one of four instructional methods. These are listed and described below.
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Instructional methods are listed as attributes in Tiger Scheduler to assist students who wish to adjust their schedule based on instructional method:

Instructional methods are also listed as attributes in Look Up Classes in AU Access:

The four instructional methods are:
Face-to-Face (F2F) courses are conducted in person.
Blended (BLND) courses involve some instructional activities that are conducted in person while other instructional activities are conducted online.
HyFlex (HYFL) courses are conducted face-to-face but are available online simultaneously; students can choose which of these they prefer.
Online (ONLN) courses are conducted online in their entirety.
A Healthier U is the University’s comprehensive and evolving plan to keep our campus and our community healthy and safe by minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Read 小马出墙turbo破解 outlined in the AHealthierU Plan.
Yes. Heath screening will be enabled through Healthcheck, a COVID-19 assessment tool that allows individuals to report COVID-19 health status, symptoms, and exposure. Students are required to complete the screening each day before they come to campus. By responding to a series of screener questions regarding symptoms, the daily health screening provides a ‘pass’ for the student to move around campus (i.e., a green screen indicates the student is cleared to move around campus, whereas a red screen indicates the student is not cleared to be on campus). Students who report specific conditions will be instructed to contact the Auburn University Medical Clinic for evaluation and possible testing. Students will not be tested unless recommended by the Medical Clinic.
In conjunction with the Alabama Department of Public Health, Auburn will implement a proximity/exposure notification application as part of the GuideSafe™ platform. Individuals will be able to use the app to report a positive test result and anonymously notify other individuals with whom the person has been in proximity that they may have been exposed to the virus. The benefit of downloading and using the application is that it will help improve tracing efforts to reduce the spread of the virus. Use of the application is voluntary, but strongly encouraged.
All information collected by the GuideSafe™ platform will be collected and stored in HIPAA-compliant servers. The information collected is held anonymously, and there are no identifying values that can link the information to the participant. The generalized information will help the University mitigate possible spread of the virus and support the efforts of the Alabama Department of Public Health to protect individuals from COVID-19.
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Students who choose to return to campus for fall 2023 but have concerns about an underlying medical condition should contact the Office of Accessibility to discuss their on-campus living or learning environments. Students in this category include those who by diagnosis are immunosuppressed or those who, because of a medical treatment plan, including medication, may have a suppressed immune system. Students requesting a modification to their learning or living environment may be required to provide medical documentation that reflects current status, diagnosis, treatment plan and prescribed current medications.
Auburn University cannot require students to remain on campus at all times. However, students are strongly encouraged to minimize their travel and continue to practice all necessary health and safety behaviors while off-campus. Students are not required to return to campus following Thanksgiving break.
Current information for prospective Auburn students can be found on the Office of Undergraduate Admissions website.
Yes. All students are required to initiate testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. After students initiate the testing process, they will be emailed instructions on how to test, including testing method and locations. This requirement is part of Auburn’s comprehensive plan for a safe and healthy return to campus, and testing is facilitated by GuideSafe™, a statewide initiative led by the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
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Students will receive an email from to their Auburn email account that will include sign-up instructions. The email will let students know what testing option is available for them. It is important that students act promptly so test results can be processed as soon as possible.
Testing will be conducted the following ways:
At-Home Kit: GuideSafe™ Testing has contracted with providers for UPS Health to send self-administered at-home test kits. This is likely how many out-of-state students and early arrivals will be tested. This test will require swabbing just inside the nostril – not the more invasive process you may have heard about. The sample will be returned in the enclosed pre-paid packaging. If you get a kit, complete and return it immediately.
In Person: There will be 14 locations throughout the state of Alabama to test in person. Pilot clinics will begin July 26 in limited locations, with additional locations opening the following week. The email from 小马出墙破解版app will have details about scheduling your test and testing locations.
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Students who test privately or need to share a prior positive should email results to from their Auburn University email account. Documentation must include student name, testing date and testing status.
Students will be assigned a testing site or method based on the answers they provide in the GuideSafe™ Testing portal. Instructions will be provided to students in an email from GuideSafe™ Testing that will be sent to their Auburn email account.
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Test kits can be mailed to your home. When students receive an email from, they will answer questions that will lead them to the best testing option for their situation. Students concerned about timing and prefer to test in person should email to request a test in Auburn.
Students can be tested up to 14 days before they arrive on campus until the beginning of classes. Students who plan to return to campus the night before classes begin can be tested at the Coliseum during the first week of classes. Alternatively, students may choose to test at another location, such as a physician’s office or urgent care clinic, but they will not be reimbursed for the cost of the test.
Students already in Auburn should plan to be tested in early August. Once the email with appointments is sent to the student’s Auburn University email account, they should select the option that works best for them.
Students should be tested before classes begin. Students must initiate the testing process as soon as possible, following the instructions included in the email from GuideSafe™ Testing that will be sent to their Auburn email account. Students that have signed up for an appointment through GuideSafe™ Testing but have not yet received their results may still move into their residence hall or participate in Panhellenic recruitment.
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Yes. As long as students initiate testing through the GuideSafe™ Testing system, students may participate in Panhellenic recruitment. Instructions for initiating testing will be included in the email from GuideSafe™ that will be sent to their Auburn email account.
All GuideSafe™ testing locations and the at-home kit will use a nasal test that requires a simple, painless self-swab taken from just inside the nose.
No, the test is easy and painless.
Yes. Tests will be performed on campus at Beard-Eaves Coliseum. Students should schedule appointments in advance by following the instructions emailed to them from Testing Alabama. Students who have been assigned an at-home kit but would prefer to test on-site should email to be added to the on-site testing group.
If students choose to test privately or need to share a prior positive, they must email documentation of results to from their Auburn University email account. Documentation must include the student’s name, date of test and results.
You should not retest through GuideSafe™ if you tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 12 weeks. Provide those previous test results via email from your Auburn University email account to Your documentation must include your name, testing date, and testing status.
Students who test negative for COVID-19 will receive results via email within 48 hours of testing. If a student tests positive for COVID-19, a university official will contact them with results and next steps for protecting themselves and others. If a student who tests positive lives on-campus, they will be required to move into isolation housing until given medical clearance to return to their on-campus residence. Students who live off-campus and test positive will be asked to self-quarantine.
If students use GuideSafe™ Testing with either the at-home test kit or test in-person, results will be submitted by the testing lab. If students test privately or need to share a prior positive, they should email results to from their Auburn University email account. Documentation must include student name, testing date and testing status.
Testing results are confidential. Auburn University and the Alabama Department of Public Health will be notified of any positive results, but personal information will not be shared.
Auburn University will accept any test that assesses for an active case of COVID-19.
Students who answer yes to the question, “Have you been around anyone not wearing a mask for more than 15 minutes?” will be told that they are not eligible to test in-person. At this time, students should answer “No” to this question. Students who have already answered yes and are currently barred from scheduling a test should email in order to move forward with scheduling a test.
Students should email and notify them they have not received an email regarding testing.
Students should email and ask for an appointment at the Auburn University testing site for after their return to campus.
Students can be tested up to 14 days before they arrive on campus until the beginning of classes. Students who plan to return to campus the night before classes begin can be tested in the Coliseum during the first week of classes.
Students will receive an email from that includes additional details and instructions. Follow those instructions promptly.
Students with questions should call 334.844.6000 or email
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Aug. 17: Classes begin
Oct. 8-9: Fall break is suspended, and classes will continue to meet
Nov. 23-24: Classes will meet on these two days of Thanksgiving week; students do not have to return to campus after Nov. 24
Nov. 25-27: Thanksgiving break
Nov. 30 to Dec. 1: Student reading days
Fall Commencement is scheduled for Dec. 12, contingent on existing health and safety guidelines.
Commencement for Spring and Summer 2023 graduates will be on Saturday, August 8 in Jordan Hare Stadium. For details, visit the graduation website.
Students will be required to wear face coverings, and the maximum capacities for classrooms will be reduced to 50% of normal capacity. For many rooms, this can be accomplished by leaving one empty seat between each student. Enhanced cleaning procedures are in place, with classrooms disinfected nightly. Also, single-use cleaning products are in available classrooms, dining spaces, and other high-traffic areas.
Due to COVID-19, Auburn University expanded the use of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading for Spring Semester 2023. Summer and fall 2023 semesters will see a return to the traditional grading policies.
For fall semester, Auburn will employ four general instructional methods: Face-to-Face, Online, Blended, or HyFlex. Face-to-Face courses are conducted in person. Online courses are conducted online in their entirety. In blended courses, some instructional activities are conducted in-person while other instructional activities are conducted online. HyFlex courses are conducted face-to-face but are available online simultaneously.
Faculty will determine which instructional methods best align with the learning outcomes of their courses, and the chosen methods will be published in the University’s scheduling systems by August 1. Students will be able to search courses by instructional method and adjust their fall schedules, if desired and seats are available.
Faculty should indicate in their syllabi how course content will be provided to students who cannot attend class due to COVID-19-related absences. Faculty should reference the University’s Policy on Class Attendance to make arrangements for students to complete missed work and/or major examinations. Regardless of the delivery method, all classes will be captured/recorded to ensure availability of material to students.
To be prepared for the possibility of remote instruction, students should have reliable and regular access to a Windows or Macintosh computer/laptop, a webcam (built-in on the computer or as an additional USB accessory), and off-campus access to broadband Internet. Refer to 能go APP下载|能go V2.5.1.1 安卓版 下载_当下软件园_软件下载:2021-7-7 · 滴答清单破解版 V4.7.5 安卓版 眠眠学法(全国青少年普法) V1.1 安卓版 嘿设汇 V3.4.2 安卓版 随手写10.7.0.1破解版 安卓版 扫描全能王VIP破解版 V5.6.8 安卓版 为知笔记 V7.8.1 安卓版 贝乐虎英语启蒙 V1.4.2 安卓版 第二课堂 V1.0 安卓版 我爱背单词破解版 V4 page for guidance on specific computer recommendations based on your academic program. In the event the University has to transition to remote operations, students with electronic textbooks and other technology needs should contact the AU Bookstore at
To complete the required daily Health Screening, students will need a smartphone or laptop computer. For exposure notification, a smartphone is required.
Your schedule for the fall will not change. Faculty will determine which instructional methods best align with the learning outcomes of their courses, and the chosen methods (Face-to-Face, Online, Blended, or HyFlex) will be published in the University’s scheduling systems by August 1. Students will be able to search courses by instructional method and adjust their fall schedules, if desired.
Is it possible to receive academic support remotely?
Yes. Academic Coaching, Study Partners (peer tutoring), and Supplemental Instruction (SI) are all available through remote delivery. To learn more, visit: 一加手机资源共享-一加手机官方论坛:2021-8-6 · [软件] 【推荐】IDM+下载神器v11.6.4已付费版★安卓最快的下载工具 查看 : 6641 | 回复 : 793 戴.夫 | 发表时间 : 14 天前 | 最后回复 : 熙熙大宝贝 ... 2 分钟前
No. Courses will transition to remote delivery for finals after Thanksgiving break. In addition, the residential halls and dining venues will remain open for students who need/decide to remain on campus after Thanksgiving. Fall contracts will continue through the end of the fall semester.
Auburn’s tuition and fee structure have been established regardless of the method of instruction. Tuition and fees will not be altered in the event that the mode of instruction is changed for any course for all or part of the semester. Auburn remains committed to offering the highest quality academic experience and will maintain the high quality of instruction that students expect while earning their degrees, regardless of the mode of course delivery. Auburn’s faculty will continue to teach courses, and the course curricula will continue to prioritize the learning outcomes that faculty have established.
No. Courses will transition to remote delivery for finals after Thanksgiving break. In addition, the residential halls and dining venues will remain open for students who need/decide to remain on campus after Thanksgiving. Fall contracts will continue through the end of the fall semester.
A staged return of students to campus housing is planned to de-densify activities ahead of the first day of classes. The move-in process has been streamlined, and a new curbside check-in allows for greater physical distancing. Furniture in common areas has been reconfigured to promote physical distancing. Enhanced and increased cleaning procedures will be used in common areas, and kits of cleaning supplies will also be available to students. For students who must quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19, a block of isolation rooms is reserved on-campus.
More information on fall 2023 housing is available on the University Housing website.
Move-in will take place over several days to allow for proper physical distancing. The check-in process will be a curbside check-in. Residents will drive up to their designated centralized location and receive a welcome packet and their room key. To maximize the health and safety of our residents, there will be no volunteers available to assist during move-in. Additionally, we will be unable to provide move-in equipment to assist with move-in. Students are welcome to bring their own items, such as wagons or dollies, to campus with them.
Students and families will be expected to wear a face mask while on campus.
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Elevator capacity will be limited to maintain a 6-foot distance between all occupants.
Physical distancing will be expected of residents and their families while on campus.
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All residents will be required to wear a mask upon entering the residence hall. Masks may be removed once the resident has entered their personal room.
If you have a health condition and need a special accommodation to your housing assignment, please contact the Office of Accessibility.
Tiger Dining has been working to make sure we adhere to physical distancing and other health and safety guidelines. At the same time, we want students to have options with nutritious and high-quality food.
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Contactless payment will be available at all locations.
Grubhub kiosks will be added for students to place grab-and-go orders.
A variety of carry-out options, including meal kits, will be available.
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Enhanced cleaning measures will be utilized, and sanitizing wipes are readily available for student use.
Yes, Auburn Cares will offer contactless pick up for Campus Food Pantry users. New Campus Food Pantry users will complete initial paperwork and meet with an Auburn Cares staff member via Zoom, and then they can sign up to receive pre-stocked food bags. To learn more, visit the Auburn Cares website.
Yes, the Auburn experience is centered around the campus community, and we are leveraging technology to keep students safe and connected. Welcome Week and other student events will incorporate more outdoor and virtual events to minimize crowds and physical contact. A mobile check-in process using AUinvolve for all events supports contact tracing efforts, if needed. Using Virtual Student Organization resources, our 550 recognized student organizations can continue, even if groups are unable to meet in-person.
Yes. We know that your experience outside of the classroom is critical. To ensure your organizations can continue meeting this fall, we have a host of resources for virtual organization management. Training opportunities will be made available in multiple formats allowing for in-person and remote training for organization leaders. AUinvolve will continue to serve as the best place to learn about various organizations’ events – whether they are hosted in person or virtually.
Yes. Greek Life is considering the best ways to conduct their traditional programming (e.g., recruitment, educational programs, membership development and initiation programs) to continue in an altered format that is consistent with campus health and safety regulations.
Visit the Greek Life website
We definitely hope to play all sports this fall, but will rely on state health orders to make these determinations. We will provide information as it becomes available.
Campus Recreation looks forward to welcoming students, faculty, and staff into the Recreation and Wellness Center when safety protocols are fully implemented. The physical and mental health of our members is our first priority. We plan to open Campus Recreation facilities conservatively and expand programs as conditions allow.
To reopen safely, we have prioritized physical distancing and de-densification, while also enhancing our high standards of health, safety, and cleanliness. This plan is subject to change based on University guidance, state guidelines, the CDC, and new developments in COVID-19 research.
Upon re-opening, the following amenities will be available with physical distancing guidelines.
- Track
- Strength at limited capacity (no free weights)
- Light strength at limited capacity (no free weights)
- Cardio (limited capacity)
- Leisure/activity pool
- Locker rooms (no showers)
Auburn Outdoors (by appointment only)
- Rental Center
- Bike Shop
Group Fitness
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- Virtual classes via Zoom
- Basketball* (1 person per half court)
- Racquetball/Squash* (1 person per court) *May increase based on change in guidelines
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Intramural Sports (team sports where physical distancing cannot be maintained)
Personal Training
Day-use lockers
This fall, spaces for study and student life activities will be available. De-densification will be necessary for safety reasons in Auburn’s libraries, computer labs, dining venues, and other group gathering spaces. Plans are still being developed and more information will be available soon.
Auburn University does not require students to remain on campus at all times. However, students are strongly encouraged to minimize their travel and continue to practice all necessary health and safety behaviors while off-campus.
A Healthier U is the University’s comprehensive and evolving plan to keep our campus and our community healthy and safe by limiting the spread of COVID-19.
Read the student plan outlined in 小马出墙turbo破解.
Yes. Heath screening will be enabled through Healthcheck, a COVID-19 assessment tool that allows individuals to report COVID-19 health status, symptoms, and exposure. Students are required to complete the screening each day before they come to campus. By responding to a series of screener questions regarding symptoms, the daily health screening provides a ‘pass’ for the student to move around campus (i.e., a green screen indicates the student is cleared to move around campus, whereas a red screen indicates the student should not be on campus). Students who report specific conditions will be instructed to contact the Medical Clinic for evaluation and possible testing. Students will not be tested unless recommended by the Medical Clinic.
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All information collected by the GuideSafe™ platform will be collected and stored in HIPAA-compliant servers. The information collected is held anonymously and there are no identifying values that can link the information to the participant. The generalized information will help the university mitigate possible spread of the virus and support the efforts of the Alabama Department of Public Health to protect individuals from COVID-19.
For fall 2023, classes will be offered in a variety of formats – in person, online, blended, or HyFlex. Students will have the choice to remain home and participate in online courses or join the residential campus experience. Every student should make an informed decision on whether to enroll in the online option or take classes in-person. There are heightened and unpredictable health risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Risks include exposure to asymptomatic carriers of the virus, as well as virus transfer through face-to-face communications and sharing spaces with others. In some cases, Auburn may recommend that students seriously consider the fully online learning option. Ultimately, the final decision resides with the individual student and their health care provider.
Students who choose to be on-campus for fall 2023 but have concerns about an underlying medical condition should contact the Office of Accessibility to discuss their on-campus living or learning environments. Students in this category include those who by diagnosis are immunosuppressed or those who, because of a medical treatment plan, including medication, may have a suppressed immune system. Students requesting a modification to their learning or living environment may be required to provide medical documentation that reflect current status, diagnosis, treatment plan and prescribed current medications.
If you have a health condition and need an accommodation to your housing assignment, please contact the Office of Accessibility.
Absolutely. Student Counseling & Psychological Services will continue to provide comprehensive preventative and clinical mental health services to students, including counseling and psychiatric services. Individual consultations by phone and tele-mental health for individual therapy, group therapy, and psychiatric services are available.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been stressful for many people and communities. Fear about the spread of COVID-19 can be overwhelming and cause various emotional responses. Student Counseling & Psychological Services has a website filled with resources for you during this time.
Wearing face coverings greatly reduces the chances of COVID-19 transmission, protecting those around us. Auburn University requires face coverings inside all university buildings, including classrooms and laboratories. This requirement applies to everyone on campus and also extends to those attending university events in non-university buildings. Students will be encouraged to bring at least three face coverings with them to campus. By wearing a face covering, you can help protect the people around you and encourage others to do the same.
Yes. The Auburn University Medical Clinic will continue to provide a full range of primary, preventative, and urgent medical care services for Auburn students, faculty, staff, visitors, and members of the surrounding community.
To ensure that our clinic is safe for all patients, we have implemented the following:
松果倾诉最新版下载- 全方位下载:2021-6-28 · 松果倾诉app是一款手机情感交流服务软件,生活遇到的婚姻、家庭、情感、事业、职场、亲子、朋友间的各种压力和痛苦,都可伍在松果倾诉得到很好的开解和指导,把你想说的通过语音或文字形式告诉我伊,让你从情绪低谷从新走出
No one enters the building without being screened first. We are asking all patients to call 334-844-9825 to answer a series of screening questions. Patients with COVID-19 symptoms do not come inside the clinic. They are seen either outside at our testing site or via a Telehealth appointment.
Personal Protective Equipment. All staff members that have contact with patients are required to wear at a minimum a face covering. We are following the CDC Guidelines on this requirement. If a patient is sick (and we have ruled out COVID-19) they must wear a face covering before entering the building.
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Staff Monitoring. Staff members' temperatures and symptoms are monitored daily. If a staff member presents with any COVID-19 symptoms, they are tested and sent home immediately.
No Visitors. We are not allowing people to accompany patients to their visits in the Medical Clinic.
Yes. The Auburn University Medical Clinic is testing symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. If you are having symptoms, have had known exposure but do not have symptoms, or need a test to return to work or to visit family you can call 334-844-9825 to answer a series of questions and setup an appointment.
Our drive-thru testing site is located in the South Quad parking deck next to our clinic. It is quick, easy, and confidential. Best of all, you should get your results the same day.
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To prepare for this scenario, however likely or unlikely, Auburn is taking into careful consideration surrounding healthcare and treatment capabilities, on-campus testing capacities, and available isolation and quarantine capabilities on and around campus.
Contingency planning is also taking into account what is happening in the surrounding community as well as federal and state guidelines.
Existing efforts, such as building resilient pedagogies that can adapt if a student must be isolated following a positive virus test, support our contingency planning.
View resources from the state’s public health department, including COVID-19 surveillance dashboards, state-issued guidance and orders, and answers to frequently asked questions.
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Request cleaning services, space assessments and safety modifications, download signage and find answers to frequently asked questions.
班迪录屏下载 Bandicam(高清录制视频软件) v4.5.8.1673 ...:2021-4-9 · Bandicam(高清录制视频软件) v4.5.8.1673 汉化破解免费版(附注册机),Bandicam是一款非常给力的视频录制工具,该高清录制视频软件的优势在于对电脑配置要求低,且不会出现声音画面不同步的录 …
Learn procedures employees who test positive for COVID-19 or come in close contact with someone testing positive must follow.
View protocols for staying well on campus, including guidance on personal safety, cleaning and lab safety, and find other campus and external resources.